I have moved the email I received here to help my front page load correctly. As stated elsewhere, the only modification to this email are to remove various tracking links and my unsubscribe link.
The email contains the logos of Greenzap which may or may not be a trademark. They sent the email to me with the graphics links. I can't post the email without them, without changing the email formating.
The email seems badly formatted, but will format correctly if included in a normal HTML page (rather than CSS).
If you copy the email code, or text from my blog, please provide a text link with the words "greenzap" or "greenzap scam". Blogs can use trackback
Posted on this seperate page 16/6/2005 but backdated to make sure it doesn't mess up my front page
Everything below this point was sent to me from Greenzap
Only a week into operations and GreenZap is starting to pop up everywhere. If you strolled around the internet halls of eBay, you might have noticed a few thousand people already accepting GreenZap as a method of payment. It's a sign that makes GreenZap President Alex Sonkin very happy. "It's exciting. And it goes to show that people were frustrated with no viable option outside of PayPal". Sonkin went on, "I have no problem with PayPal. We're a lot like them. Except we're fun."
Read more from Alex Sonkin. |
GreenZap may have been made in the USA, but it's not a product solely being used in the USA. Over 13,000 GreenZappers from China have already signed up with GreenZap, while just under 10,000 Canadians have opened an account. Other interesting fast GreenFacts: Just about 500 people from the Russian Federation have gone Gold. Over 250 in both Thailand and Yugoslavia are Gold Members while 180 in India have done the same. Gold members can also be found in countries like Nicaragua, Zimbabwe and Rwanda. There are 14 GreenZap account holders in Yemen, 8 in Madagascar and 3 GreenZappers living it up in Zambia. |

The drop-dead-date to trigger all of your hard earned rewardz is June 21st. After the 21st, if you haven't gone Gold, you will lose all the Gold rewardz you were accumulating over the last 45 days. This also means, if you've already gone Gold, it's time to get on others in your community. Not only does going Gold immediately cut down your transaction feez, it also happens to maximize and trigger all of your rewardz. Go Gold today and remind your community to go Gold or they (and you) could lose out big time.
Go for it! Go Gold Today. |
Go ahead. Launch ZapMap. If you've done it already, you've had the opportunity to watch your GreenZap community multiply. Literally. ZapMap was created to allow you to visually see all the people linked directly to you in your community. Soon enough, not only will ZapMap allow you to view the people who joined GreenZap that you invited, but you'll also be able to add friends (people you've bought or sold something to or from) to your GreenZap community. And if you love ZapMap, you're going to love ZapChat. ZapChat, coming soon, will give you the ability to chat in real time to people in your community. GreenZap is all about bringing the community closer together. ZapMap and ZapChat are just two ways we're doing so.
Go to ZapMap Now. |
 |  | Be one of the first five GreenZap members to correctly complete the GreenZap Crossword and fax to GreenZap to win a zappy t-shirt!
Click Here to Download PDF. |  |  |

Your ZapID: nommus
A closer look at your GreenZap Stats and Community: |
 One Degree |
 | 0 |  | Two Degrees |
 | 0 |  | Total Community |
 | 0 |  |

Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
GreenZap, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2005.
GreenZap is a service mark of GreenZap, Inc.
4445 Eastgate Mall, Suite 220
La Jolla, CA 92121
To unsubscribe, click here or send an email to: unsubscribe-919@up0.net |